Geotech Engineering Ltd had successfully completed the geotechnical work named “Geotehcnical investigation for evaluating the quality, grade and approximate reserve of Kutiubdia channel sand for dredging”. GEL had provided two hydraulic rotary rig and floating barge anchored in 4 corners. The drilling work had conducted on both day and night shift by 3 teams over 15m of water from the river bed. Total 60 days was required to finish the field work. The Contract was by awarded by DONG-A Consults Pte Ltd. The scope of this contract includes:
- Drilling of 51Nos. of boreholes in predefined locations of the Channel’s upstream and downstream.
- The depth of the boreholes are 15m each from river bed.
- Among 51 nos of borehole 21 Nos. were drilled by continuous sampling method.
- Conduct Standard Penetration Test (SPT) at 1.5m Interval up to 15m for each borehole.
- Collection of Disturbed sample by split spoon sampler for laboratory testing.
- Collection of extra sand by long wall perforated tube from the hole.
- Conduct Particle size distribution test (PSD), Density, Specific gravity, Atterberg limit etc. for classifying the soil.
- Prepare a sub soil profile by using bore log from the field.
- Prepare a factual report by accumulating all data.